This recipe is best with

Recipe Ingredient
- 150g butter
- 100g margarine
- 50g icing sugar
- 2 egg yolks
- 1/2tsp vanilla essence
- 1/4tsp salt
- Sift:
- 350g plain flour
- 50g cornflour
- Pineapple jam:
- 300g grated pineapple
- 150g castor sugar
- 1/2tsp pineapple essence
- 1/4tsp lemon essence
- Egg glaze:
- 1 egg yolk
- 1tsp condensed milk
- 1/4tsp salt
- 1/4tsp water
- Place grated pineapple and sugar in a heavy-bottomed aluminium saucepan and cook over moderate heat until it begins to boil.
- Add essences and lower the flame, then continue to cook until mixture is almost dry and thick. Keep stirring all the time (this takes about an hour). Leave aside to cool.
- Cream butter, margarine and sugar until light. Beat in egg yolks one at a time. Add essence and salt and beat until fluffy.
- Fold in sifted dry ingredients and mix to a firm dough. Put mixture into a nastar mould and press out into strips 6cm to 7cm long.
- Place 1/2 tsp of pineapple jam filling on the edge of a strip and make a small elongated roll. Cut off excess dough. Put nastar rolls on greased trays. Brush with egg glaze. Bake in preheated oven at 180ºC for 20 minutes or till golden brown. Cool on wire racks before storing.
- To make egg glaze, lightly beat the above ingredients together.
To make the pineapple jam:
To make the pastry: