• Prep Time 20 minutes
  • Cook Time 10 minutes
  • Serving For 1 people
  • Difficulty Normal

Recipe Description

MY FOOLPROOF RECIPE CHEF : VICTORIA Fruit Paradise ? RECIPE : Happy HEALTHY Wealthy FRUITFUL Breakfast ??? THEME : “LOVE & LIFE” ??? CELEBRATION PERFECT BALANCE NUTRIENTS NUTRITION PROFILE Energy: 409kcal Carbo: 67.2g Protein: 10.3g Fat: 11.3g Fibre: 15.3g RICH in MINERALS & VITAMINS Vitamin A B C K, Manganese, Phosphorus, Thiamin, Magnesium, Copper, Iron, Zinc, Folate, Calcium Potassium, plant-based powerful and loaded Anti-Oxidant of Resveratrol & ALA to repair the damaged done by free radicals, Omega 3 & 6. NATURAL HEALTH & HEALING BENEFITS • Natural Weight Loss & Fat Burning • Good for Heart Health • Natural Laxative • Control Blood Sugar • Reduce Bad Cholesterol • Powerful & Loaded Antioxidant • Reduce Risk of Type-2 Diabetes • Reduce Asthma risk in children • Aids Athletes Performance • Prevent Cancer • Probiotics helps in Digestion • Relief from Colon Cancer • Healthy Skin & Reproductive Health • Alkaline Rich • Relieve Constipation & Inflammation • Improve Respiratory Disorder • Boost Immune System • Detox the Blood • Boost Metabolism • Promote Youth slow in Aging • Soothes Cough • Regulate Mentrual Cycle • Relief from Toothaches & decay • Treat Sunburn & Irritated Skin • Keep Kidney Healthy • Natural Mood Elevator • Improve Eye Sight • Prevent Heat Stroke • Natural Arphrodisiac • Natural Diuretic • Soothers Muscle Soreness • Strengthen Bone Healthy • Prevent Cavities • Prevent Blood Clot • Fight Allergies • Source of Instant Energy • Healthy & Glowing Skin • Help from Cellular Damage • Moisturizers the Hair • Prevent Gallstone • Lower High Blood Pressure • Protect from Chronic Disease • Brain Health • Increase Metabolism. I started my “HEALTHY EATING JOURNEY” after I attended the “BALANCED NUTRITION” programme to understand the IMPORTANCE of healthy eating as “WHAT WE EAT is WHO WE ARE”! I took up the responsibility to be the CHEF of my own LIFE & HEALTH started from HEALTHY BREAKFAST of OATS & FRESH FRUITS daily after morning walk. According to the “HEALTH EXPERT”, to maintain a good physical health, 80% diet and 20% exercise. I can testify the statement is TRUE after I changed my diet. I experienced a fast response from the body weight and belly fats reduction. The SECRET is mainly due to TRIPLE effect in terms of absorption after exercise where all cells are hunger for food! I have learned the importance to eat healthy right after exercise or workout to achieve a SUPERB result! I have created close to 200 beautiful & colourful inspired designs since I started the journey of healthy eating within a short period of less than 6 months. I choose to present this “Design” because of a SIMPLE Truth to LOVE LIFE! Also, it is EASY to prepare but the RICHNESS of natural nutrients health & healing benefits we received are far beyond expectations! And the theme “LOVE & LIFE” is close to the HEART of every man, woman and children! “HEALTHY EATING is SELF-LOVE to HONOR the beautiful GIFT called LIFE!” The preparation & making are simple which everyone can do it at home to enjoy the experience with loved one and family! In addition, I am glad to see the encouragement from NEW Government including the “HEALTHY SCHOOL CANTEEN CAMPAIGN” & the SUPPORT to the local farmers of fresh fruits & vegetables. I noticed there is reduction of price lately in fresh fruits compared to 6 months ago to encourage Our BLESSED NATION One MALAYSIAN for Healthy Eating! Last but not least, it’s my great delight to share and present my humble healthy creative richness creation of “LOVE & LIFE” here to bless all the beautiful LIFE in LOVE & HEALTH! A special thanks to “Kuali.com” for creating this “space” & opportunity to share the unique experience with all who REJOICE in “Happy Healthy Wealthy Fruitful Breakfast” Eating BREAKFAST like KING & QUEEN to bless the LIFE Body with all the POSITIVE ENERGIES & GOODNESS ABUNDANCE hidden in the natural FRESH FRUITS & OATS the very BEST of food to GREET to FEED to WAKE-UP all the 60 trillion cells a very perfect “GOOD MORNING” & let the Body be blessed for the rest of the day! I am indeed so EXCITED because this is the very first time I participate in “Kuali.com”. I believe “A LOVING HEART-MIND a HEALTHY & WEALTHY FOOD create a HAPPY BODY! Thank you & stay blessed always in “LOVE & LIFE”!

Recipe Ingredient

  • Instant Quaker OATS (5 Tsp)
  • HONEY (1 Tsp)
  • WATER (80ml)
  • LIME (1 small)
  • Natural YOGURT (1 Tsp)
  • WATERMELON in Small Cubes (3 Tsp)
  • PAPAYA in Small Cubes (3 Tsp)
  • Dried CRANBERRIES (1 tsp)
  • CASHEW NUTS (1 tsp)
  • BABY SPINACH (2 leaves)
  • WALNUTS (3 halves)
  • RED GRAPES (11 pcs)
  • CHICKPEA (23 pcs)


  1. Add 5 Tsp Instant Quaker OATS and 1 Cup of HONEY LIME WATER into Soup Plate then mix well with Table Spoon.
  2. Add-on 1 Tsp of Natural YOGURT and mix it well with Table Spoon, flatten the surface.
  4. Add-on 2 leaves of BABY SPINACH in LOVE-Shape at the CORE
  5. Add-on 3 halves of WALNUT in the middle of BABY SPINACH LOVE-Shape
  6. Add-on 11 pcs of Red GRAPES to make-up a second LOVE-Shape surrounded the BABY SPINACH.
  7. Final add-on 23 pcs of CHICKPEA to make-up a Golden TRINITY LOVE-Shape to complete the dish and ready to serve.

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