• Prep Time 10 minutes
  • Cook Time 15 minutes
  • Serving For 8 people
  • Difficulty Easy

Recipe Description

Jelly is often a light and refreshing dessert, but when you add bread and eggs, it becomes a dish that sticks to your ribs.

We use a 20cm by 4cm baking tin as a mould, but even a plastic food container of a similar size will work.

You don’t need to use dairy milk in the agar-agar; if you like the taste, coconut, soy or almond milk will work just as well.

The original article was first published on The Star Online. Click here to read the full article.

Recipe Ingredient

  • 4 slices sandwich bread, crusts on
  • 250ml milk (dairy or non-dairy)
  • 250ml water
  • 80g sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • a few drops food colouring
  • Agar-agar base:
  • 4 tsp agar-agar powder
  • 60g caster sugar
  • 300ml water


  1. Tear the bread slices into pieces. Place in a blender or food processor with the milk, water, condensed milk and eggs. Blend until smooth. Set aside.
  2. For the agar-agar base, stir together the agar-agar powder and caster sugar in a large saucepan. Add the water and stir to combine. Over medium heat, bring the mixture to the boil, stirring constantly, until the agar-agar and sugar dissolve. Take the pan off the heat and stir in the bread mixture. Return pan to the stove and over low heat, cook until mixture slightly thickens. Stir in vanilla extract.
  3. Divide the mixture between two bowls. Stir food colouring into one portion.
  4. Wet the baking tin. Pour in the two portions in layers, then run a skewer or butter knife through all the layers right down to the bottom of the tin to create colourful swirls. Leave to cool in the tin, then cover and chill in the fridge for 3-4 hours until completely set before serving.

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