• Prep Time 30 minutes
  • Cook Time 10 minutes
  • Serving For 4 people
  • Difficulty Normal
This recipe is best with
Anchor Extra Stretch

Recipe Ingredient

  • Pizza dough:
  • 1kg Bread Flour
  • 10g Instant Dry Yeast
  • 20g Fine Salt
  • 30g Castor Sugar
  • 600g Water
  • 50g Olive Oil
  • Carbonara Sauce:
  • 15g Anchor Unsalted Butter
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped
  • 30g yellow onion, chopped
  • 100ml Anchor UHT Extra Yield Cooking Cream
  • Coarse black pepper, to taste
  • Chicken stock powder, to taste
  • Pizza:
  • 1 piece (12”) pizza base (from 300g pizza dough)
  • 4 slices chicken ham
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 140g Anchor Extra Stretch Mozzarella Shredded
  • 40g Anchor Colby & Cheddar Shredded
  • 1tsp Perfect Italiano Aged Parmesan Grated
  • 1 egg


  1. Place the bread flour, instant dry yeast, fine salt & castor sugar into a mixer & mix it by lower speed for around 30seconds.
  2. Next, mix the water & oil into a jug then pour it into the dry ingredients. Mix it using lower speed until it’s slightly combines for around 1minute.
  3. Change to medium speed & continue mixing the dough until its smooth for around 5minutes.
  4. Divide the prepared dough weighing 300gm/pcs.
  5. Let the dough rest inside chiller for at least 30mins.
  6. Carbonara Sauce:
  7. Melt Anchor Unsalted Butter in a pot, add in the garlic & also onion.
  8. Pour the Anchor Extra Yield Cooking Cream and ensure to cook until it’s comes to simmer cooking stage, season with salt, coarse black pepper and set aside for later use.
  9. To assemble, simply scoop the prepared Carbonara Sauce and spread on a pizza base. Add the chicken ham & sliced onion on-top.
  10. Cover the pizza base with the mixture of Anchor Extra Stretch Mozzarella Shredded and Anchor Colby & Cheddar Shredded Cheese, bake the pizza in a preheated oven with a temperature of 200°C for 7 – 10 minutes or until cheese nicely blisters (cooking time will depend on oven quality).
  11. Place 1 nos of fresh egg on the centre of justly baked pizza & continue baking for around 2 - 3 minutes
  12. Just before serving, sprinkle with Perfect Italiano Grated Cheese.

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