• Prep Time 30 minutes
  • Cook Time 20 minutes
  • Serving For 4 people
  • Difficulty Hard
This recipe is best with
Anchor Extra Stretch

Recipe Ingredient

  • 330g holland potato, peeled
  • Enough water as needed
  • 100g Anchor Unsalted Butter, cubed
  • 160g Anchor UHT Extra Yield Cooking Cream
  • 1 clove peeled garlic, crushed
  • 160g Anchor Extra Stretch Mozzarella Shredded
  • 20g Anchor Colby & Cheddar Shredded
  • Some salt and pepper


  1. Cook crushed garlic and Anchor Extra Yield Cooking Cream until simmer, remove from heat, cover and set aside
  2. With a big pot, cover the potato with enough water and add some salt, boil potato until tender to mash. Drain and mash it while it's hot. Cook mashed potato in the pot under low heat to dry it out a bit. Make sure to stir and don't let it burn at the bottom.
  3. When the mashed potato is slightly dry, off the heat, add in garlic-infused Anchor Extra Yield Cooking Cream, discard the crushed garlic and stir well with a whisk. Add cubed Anchor Unsalted Butter 1 - 2 pcs at a time and mix well.
  4. Lastly, with a wooden spoon, gradually add in Anchor Mozzarella Shredded IQF and Anchor Colby & Cheddar Shredded then mix well. If needed, cook on the stove with low heat, until all cheese are melted, check seasoning and adjust accordingly with salt and black pepper. Enjoy!

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