• Prep Time 300 minutes
  • Cook Time 20 minutes
  • Serving For 6 people
  • Difficulty Normal
This recipe is best with
Anchor Unsalted Butter

Recipe Ingredient

  • Puff Pastry
  • 420g All Purpose Flour
  • 85g Anchor Butter (clarified)
  • 165g Water
  • 8g Salt
  • 250g Anchor Butter Sheet
  • Cream Cheese Chantilly
  • 200g Anchor Whipping Cream
  • 35g Sugar
  • 5g Vanilla
  • 8g Gelatin
  • 40g Water
  • 500g Anchor Cream Cheese
  • 100g Canned Peaches


    Puff Pastry
  1. Mix all dough ingredients together into a smooth dough (Do not overmix)
  2. Press down the dough to a rectangular, cover and chill overnight
  3. Wrap the dough with 250g of Anchor Butter Sheet
  4. Apply 2 x single turn and rest for 1 hour in the freezer
  5. Repeat step 4 two more times, resting 1 hour in between
  6. After the final lamination, rest the dough again for 1 hour
  7. Roll out the dough sheet to 3mm thickness and rest overnight in the chiller
  8. Cut out into desired shapes
  9. Bake at 200C in a deck oven, or 170C in a convection ovenfor 18-20 minutes or until well risen and golden brown
  10. Cream Cheese Filling
  11. In a pot, cook Anchor Whipping Cream, sugar, vanilla until warm
  12. Bloom the gelatin in water, and melt in a microwave. Add into cream mixture
  13. Soften Anchor Cream Cheese in a mixer, and beat to soften
  14. Slowly add in the cream mixture to the cream cheese, and beat until thicken
  15. Transfer to a piping bag with piping tip
  16. Assembly
  17. Cut puff pastry to desired size, and pipe cream cheese filling
  18. Decorate with canned peaches
  19. Repeat for a 2nd layer

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