• Prep Time -
  • Cook Time -
  • Serving For 2 people
  • Difficulty Normal
This recipe is best with
Anchor Extra Yield

Recipe Ingredient

  • Pan Fry Smoked Duck Breast
  • 100g cooking oil
  • 400g smoked duck breast (200g x 2 pcs)
  • 4g five spice powder
  • 1g black pepper powder
  • Cream of Mandarin Orange Sauce
  • 50g Anchor UHT Extra Yield Cooking Cream
  • 100g fresh mandarin orange juice
  • 35g Anchor Unsalted Butter
  • 2g salt
  • 10g sugar
  • Roasted Pumpkin
  • 200g pumpkin (cut small)
  • 2g salt (to taste)
  • 1g coarse black pepper


    Preparing Duck Breast
  1. Pour cooking oil & heat it up until 180C
  2. In a bowl, quickly marinate the smoked duck breast with five spice powder & pepper
  3. Sear it on the skin part for 2minutes & flip & sear the other side using same timing, remove from heat & set aside
  4. Creamy Orange Sauce
  5. In a pot pour in cream, orange juice & slightly reduced until desired consistency
  6. Next, add butter and give it a quick stir
  7. Season with salt & pepper, set aside
  8. Roasted Pumpkin
  9. In a bowl, place in pumpkin, salt & pepper
  10. Bake in preheated oven of 180C for 20minutes or until golden brown & tender
  11. To Assemble
  12. Sliced the cooked duck breast and place it on plate
  13. Place the roasted pumpkin on the duck breast
  14. Drizzle with orange sauce & serve. Enjoy!

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