Recipe Description
This recipe is a courtesy of Anchor Dairy
This recipe is best with

Recipe Ingredient
- Almond Sponge
- 300g Whole Egg
- 140g Ground Almond
- 140g Icing Sugar
- 30g Low Protein Flour
- 30g Anchor Unsalted Butter
- 200g Egg White
- 30g Sugar
- Coffee Syrup
- 160g Water
- 100g Sugar
- 6g Instant Coffee
- Chocolate Ganache
- 160g Dark Chocolate
- 160 Anchor Whipping Cream
- Coffee Butter Cream
- 150g Sugar
- 75g Water
- 4g Instant Coffee
- 250g Anchor Unsalted Butter
- Dark Glaze
- 30g Water
- 35g Anchor Whipping Cream
- 50g Castor Sugar
- 20g Cocoa Powder
- 15g Water
- 3g Gelatine Powder
- In a mixing bowl, put in the whole egg, ground almond and icing sugar mix until creamy and fluffy
- In another bowl, whisk the egg white with sugar then whip until stiff peaks
- Slowly mix the meringue into the cake mixture then add flour and lastly fold in the melted Anchor Unsalted Butter
- Pour the cake mixture into 30cm x 40cm baking tray with parchment paper
- Bake in a preheated 200°C for 8 to 12 minutes after cool down cut into 3 pieces in 20cm x 20cm
- Put all ingredients in a cooking pot, mix well and bring to boil then let it cool down
- Put the chocolate in a bowl then in a cooking pan, boil the Anchor Whipping Cream and pour over to the chocolate
- Stir the chocolate ganache well then let it cool down and put it aside
- In a cooking pot, put in the sugar, water and instant coffee, mix well and cook until 110°C then let it cool down to room temperature
- In a mixing bowl, put in the soften Anchor Unsalted Butter and coffee syrup and mix until fluffy
- Soak the gelatine powder with 15g water
- In a cooking pan, boil the 30g water, Anchor Whipping Cream, castor sugar and cocoa powder then add in the gelatine mass and stir well
- Sift the dark glaze then let it cool down to 30-35°C for use
- Prepare 8 inch (20cm) square mould and lining the bottom with cling film
- Put a layer of almond sponge and brush the coffee syrup then spread the coffee butter cream
- Put the second layer of sponge and brush the coffee syrup then spread the chocolate ganache
- Place the last layer of sponge and brush the coffee syrup then spread the coffee butter cream, and keep it in the fridge for 1 hour
- After that pour the dark glaze on top and let it set
Almond Sponge
Coffee Syrup
Chocolate Ganache
Coffee Butter Cream
Dark Glaze
To Assemble