• Prep Time 60 minutes
  • Cook Time 30 minutes
  • Serving For 8 people
  • Difficulty Easy

Recipe Description

Welcome, Kuali Bakers! This time, we are showcasing all the most ‘terer’ Malaysian-themed burnt cheesecake submissions here! To enter our giveaway, all you need to do is serve up your most ‘terer’ Malaysian-themed burnt cheesecake using Anchor Cream Cheese, which is the key ingredient to a yummylicious silky burnt cheesecake. Read our full instructions here to win! This recipe is courtesy of Khor JW for the “Burnt Cheesecake, Let’s Make It Malaysian-lah!” Contest.

“I happen to stumble across this ‘competition’ online and I thought I give it a go, just for fun. 🙂 This recipe is easy as the ingredient lists are less than 10 items. Originally I have a much more complicated recipe, but in the end, I decided to submit this instead, in hopes that people would be willing to give this a try. Thank you for reading and have an awesome day.” – Khor JW

This recipe is best with
Anchor Cream Cheese

Recipe Ingredient

  • 250 gm cream cheese, softened at room temperature
  • 120 gm condensed milk
  • 1 whole egg, M sized, around 50 gm
  • 70 ml whipping cream (not whipped yet)
  • 10 gm all purpose flour, sifted
  • about 2 tsp Bandung syrup


  1. Weigh 250 gm cream cheese and 120 gm condensed milk and put them together into a medium sized metal bowl. This is (A).
  2. Soften (A) over a pot of boiled water.
  3. Stir (A) as it is being melted slowly with a small whisk.
  4. Once (A) are completely soften, take it off the heat.
  5. Continue mixing (A) until it become a homogenous and smooth batter.
  6. Add 1 whole egg into (A) and incorporate it. Now this becomes (B).
  7. Add cold 70 ml whipping cream into (B) and incorporate it until it become a smooth batter. Now this becomes (C)
  8. Add 10 gm all purpose flour into (C) and incorporate it until it become a smooth batter. Now this becomes (D)
  9. Separate (D) into 3 separate bowls.
  10. In one of the 3 bowls, add 1 tsp of bandung syrup and mix evenly.
  11. In another bowl of the batter (D), add 1/2 tsp of bandung syrup and mix evenly. (Now you have 3 kinds of colours in each bowl - whitish yellow, light pink, and dark pink)
  12. Line a 13 cm x 8 cm small round tin with parchment paper.
  13. Before you continue, preheat the oven to 210 degree Celsius.
  14. As you wait for the oven to heat up to 210 degree Celsius, continue with step 15.
  15. Pour the dark pink batter into the round tin first, and make sure it covers the bottom of the tin evenly.
  16. With a spoon, scoop the light pink batter and with a swirling motion, pour the batter into the round tin second, covering the dark pink batter as you go.
  17. Do the same with the final whitish yellow batter, covering the light pink batter as you go.
  18. By the time you are done pouring the batter into the baking tin, your oven should be ready. :)
  19. Bake the Bandung Cheesecake for 30 minutes at 210 degree Celsius.
  20. Once 30 minutes is up, your cheesecake should have a lovely browned top and once you open the oven doors, you can smell the baked cheese smell coming out...
  21. Let the cheesecake rest at room temperature for about 2 hours until it is cool to the touch.
  22. You can cut the cheesecake at this point and serve it. However, I think it taste even better after it is chilled in the fridge overnight.

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1 thought on “Hearty Bandung Burnt Cheesecake”

  1. Casey - October 8, 2021 at 11:21 pm

    Tried making it accordingly and it was yummy 🙂 Thanks for this quick and easy recipe. Will be sure to make it again in the near future.


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