• Prep Time 5 minutes
  • Cook Time 20 minutes
  • Serving For 1-2 people
  • Difficulty Easy

Recipe Description

This recipe is courtesy of Anchor Dairy.

This recipe is best with
Anchor Extra Stretch

Recipe Ingredient

  • Rice Base:
  • 3g of cooked japanese rice
  • seaweed furikake
  • 3-4 sheets of sushi seaweed sheet
  • Mozzarella Stuffed Meatloaf:
  • 6pcs plant-based meatloaf
  • 150g Anchor Extra Stretch Mozzarella
  • Soy Glaze (mix together):
  • 2 tbsp light soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1 tbsp honey


  1. Cook japanese rice according to instruction. Remove from rice cooke and Season rice with seaweed furikake, cover to allow it to come to room temperature then portion all rice into 50g ball.
  2. Cut sushi seaweed sheet into 4 long strips.
  3. Pan seared plant based meatloaf following the package instruction, lay on kitchen towel to absorb any excess oil.
  4. Lay 1 sheet of seaweed sheet (vertically), place 1 piece of plant base meat loaf (horizontally), top with 50g of anchor mozzarella cheese, lay another piece of plant base meat loaf then roll tightly with seaweed.
  5. Flatten 2 rice ball slightly larger than the mozzarella stuffed meat loaf. Sandwich mozzarella stuffed meat loaf with rice, firmly press all side to secure the meat loaf.
  6. Heat a non stick pan on medium heat, toast the onigiri 1-2mins each side until lightly brown. brush each side with soy glaze and toast it for another 30-45second until it's slightly sticky and brown.
  7. Remove from pan and wrap toasted onigiri with seaweed sheet. Cut half and serve, enjoy!

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