• Prep Time 60 minutes
  • Cook Time 12 minutes
  • Serving For 5 people
  • Difficulty Normal
This recipe is best with
Anchor Extra Stretch

Recipe Ingredient

  • 1kg Bread Flour
  • 11g Dry Yeast
  • 20g Fine Salt
  • 30g Sugar
  • 600g Water
  • 50g Olive Oil
  • 200g Blueberry Pie Filling
  • 60g Peach
  • 150g Anchor Extra Stretch Mozzarella Shredded
  • 3g Snow powder (optional)
  • 8g Fresh Mint
  • 20g Anchor Unsalted Butter


  1. Mix all dry ingredients in the mixer then by using speed 1 run it for about 1 minute.
  2. Mix the water & oil together using speed 1 & mix it for around 2 minutes & the balance 3 minutes using speed 2. Mix the dough until it’s nicely smooth.
  3. Portion the dough into 350g, let it proof for 1hour before pressing it. Note: Each pie pizza will need 2 dough balls weighing 350gm/pcs, base & top crust as picture. Keep the remaining dough wrap & frozen.
  4. Brush bottom of pizza pan with butter then place the 1st dough ball, round & flatten into 12” pizza base. Rest again for 30minutes.
  5. Place in the blueberry fillings & then diced peach, cover with mozzarella.
  6. Next roll the second dough ball & then cut long strips using a sharp knife, you will need at least 8 long strips. Shape the top of pizza like a pie, brush with melted butter before baking.
  7. Bake it using preheated oven with a minimum temperature of 230°C for about 10-12 minutes or until golden brown, (cooking times depends with oven types & quality)
  8. Dust the prepared pizza with snow powder & finish it with fresh mint leaves.

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