• Prep Time 10 minutes
  • Cook Time 80 minutes
  • Serving For 4 people
  • Difficulty Normal
This recipe is best with
Anchor Unsalted Butter

Recipe Ingredient

  • Gnocchi
  • 1kg russet potato
  • 300g all purpose flour
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 whole egg
  • 60g Anchor unsalted butter (for cooking)
  • Arrabbiata Sauce
  • 50g olive oil
  • 30g garlic, sliced
  • 30g big yellow onion, diced
  • 30g carrot, diced
  • 30g celery, diced
  • 8g dried chili flakes
  • 800g canned whole peeled tomato
  • 3g salt
  • Basil stems
  • Serve with
  • Sweet basil
  • 60g Perfect Italiano Grated Parmesan
  • 400g Anchor Extra Stretch Mozzarella
  • Serving Suggestion
  • Eggplant
  • Black olive
  • Capsicum


  1. Drizzle olive oil in pot, place garlic, onion, carrot and celery, cook them on low heat until fully cooked, add in chili flakes and cook for 30secs, add whole peeled tomato, mash it with a potato masher add salt then bring to simmer and simmer for about 30mins.
  2. Pick basil leaf and reserve for later use, when tomato sauce is done, place the basil stems in tomato sauce to infuse until needed.
  4. Peel potatoes and put in salted cold water, bring to a boil, cook until tender but not falling apart. Once cooked, drain the potatoes.
  5. Dust work surface with some flour. Thoroughly mash the hot potatoes and drop them directly on the work surface. Lightly toss the mashed potato with flour untill well coated, make a well in the middle and crack the egg add salt then combine the potato and egg and knead lightly, dust more flour if necessary. When the dough is light to the touch and no longer moist or sticky, it is ready to be rolled. Do not overwork or the gnocchi will be heavy.
  6. Divide the dough into about 4 parts. On a lightly floured board, roll the dough into long shape, 2cm in diameter. Cut the dough into 2cm pieces. (At this point you could keep extra gnocchi in freezer for another meal. Spread it flat on lined tray, freeze it for 2 hours and keep in ziplock bag.)
  8. Bring a large pot of water to a fast boil. Add salt and drop the gnocchi. Do not over crowd the pot.
  9. When the gnocchi rise to the surface, after about 2-3 min, remove from the pan and drain.
  10. With a wide pan on medium heat melt anchor butter, add in gnocchi and sear for 2 mins each side or until golden brown. Cook it in batches.
  11. Place seared gnocchi into tomato sauce, tear some sweet basil leaf and toss well.
  12. Serve on plate, sprinkle with perfect italliano parmesan and anchor extra stretch mozzarella, and enjoy!

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