• Prep Time 60 minutes
  • Cook Time 20 minutes
  • Serving For 10 people
  • Difficulty Normal
This recipe is best with
Anchor Whipping Cream

Recipe Ingredient

  • Lemongrass Mousse:
  • 330g Anchor UHT Full Cream Milk
  • 3pcs lemon grass
  • 5 egg yolk
  • 100g sugar
  • 8g gelatine
  • 40g cold water
  • 500g Anchor UHT Whipping Cream
  • Ready-made Mango Sauce, as needed
  • Fresh Mango Cubes on top


  1. First, crush the lemongrass using the back of a knife. Then heat the milk and put the lemongrass in and let it infuse for 1 hour.
  2. Soak the gelatine with cold water. Set aside.
  3. Strain the infused milk, measure and adding back the amount of the milk that lost.
  4. Combine the infused milk, egg yolk and sugar in a bowl. Then stand on a double boil and cook until 83 °C. (until the sauce is thicken and leaves path on back of spoon when finger is drawn across)
  5. When it reach the desire temperature and thickness, immediately remove from heat and strain into a bowl.
  6. Add in soaked gelatine.
  7. Cold down the sauce to room temperature(30 °C).
  8. Whip whipping cream until soft peak, then fold into the sauce.
  9. Pour the mousse into desire glass. Keep in the fridge to set.
  10. Finish the top with mango sauce and mango cubes.

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