This recipe is best with
Recipe Ingredient
- 5g garlic, chopped
- 10g shallots, sliced
- 5g lemongrass, chopped
- 5g young ginger, julienned
- 2.5ml sesame oil
- 5ml white wine
- 30ml fish stock
- 5ml lemon juice
- 60g unsalted butter
- 5g spring onion, chopped
- 40ml olive oil
- Seasoning to taste
- Heat oil in a saucepan. Saute the garlic and shallots until lightly browned. Add ginger and lemong rass. Deglaze with white wine and lemon juice. Reduce.
- Add fish stock and let simmer. Add butter slowly, stirring all the time. Finish off by seasoning and adding sesame oil.
- Put in a sauceboat and sprinkle with spring onion.