THE school holidays is a great opportunity to grab your kids for some quality family time, and what better way is there to bond with the little ones than teaming up in the kitchen?
Preparing meals together is a great way to enhance your relationship with your children, not to mention helps develop their finer motor skills and instil a sense of achievement in your child.
For these holidays, we have gathered a few ideas for kid-friendly recipes for you to conquer the kitchen with your mini-me.
This easy recipe only needs three ingredients to yield a delicious, chocolatey treat.
For a wholesome yet yummy snack, get your kids help to wash the vegetables, drizzle the dressing, and mix this salad up evenly.
Another delicious and wholesome treat, this mango popsicles are simple to whip up and fun to make. Your little sous chef can help scoop out the mango flesh and pour the mixture into the moulds.
Three-ingredient recipes are naturally a busy parent’s favourite, so here is another simple meal to prepare with the help of your little one. And let’s face it, which kid wouldn’t slurp up a cheesy treat?