Welcome to ‘Shop Kuali Recipes’, proudly brought to you by Kuali and Tesco | Lotus’s, our trusted partner. Check out this week’s meal plan, ‘Soy Beans 3 Ways’ series:

Also known as a rich protein source for vegetarians, SOY BEANS are power packed with essential nutrients and benefits. For starters, try this Homemade Soy Milk and if you’d like something refreshing yet substantial then this Soy Pudding would make the cut. Lastly, don’t throw away the okara aka the soybean pulp! Keep them for these delicious Savoury Okara Pancakes.

1. Homemade Soy Milk

homemade soymilk

4 ingredients is all you need to make this creamy, preservative free homemade soy milk. 

2. Soy Pudding

soy pudding

Turn your homemade soy milk into these cold and refreshing soy pudding. Perfect for a hot summers’ day!

3. Savoury Okara Pancakes

Savoury Okara Pancakes

With a simple mix, you could turn the soybean pulp into a yummy and healthy, protein packed snack. A great way to utilize the pulp! 

These recipes are proudly brought to you by Shop Kuali Recipes, a collaboration between Kuali and Tesco | Lotus’s, our trusted partner. Shop this week’s recipes HERE

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