Royale Bintang Resort and Spa Seremban,
Jalan Dato A.S. Dawood, Seremban
Tel: 06-766 6666 ext 6288
Business hours: 11.00am to 3.00pm (daily, lunch),
6.00pm to 10.00pm (daily, dinner).

DINERS can expect to get more value for their ringgit this Chinese New Year at the Royale Bintang Resort and Spa Seremban.

Set menu prices at the hotel’s Han Pi Yuen Chinese restaurant have been lowered in order to give customers the option to dine affordably in a hotel setting.

8780016E1EB548E4A48BABD1DFD170E9Sumptuous spread: Chef Lee welcomes guests to sample Han Pi Yuen’s Chinese New Year menu which is available from Feb 1 to 7.

Hotel general manager Leo Kuscher said diners would be able to choose from five set menus priced between RM438++ and RM1,088++ per table of 10.

“Lower prices does not mean we have compromised in quality. Customers who order from the RM438++ menu will still have nine courses including yee sang, shark’s fin soup, chicken, fish, prawns, vegetables and dessert.

“We want to give customers the same quality but allow them the option to pick whichever menu that they like,” he said during a preview of some of the dishes at the hotel recently.

Citing an example, he said the table now priced at RM438++ was previously sold for RM688++.

The outlet’s Chinese New Year yee sang menu has three options — Prosperity Yee Sang with Juicy Pear (from RM23++), Luckiness Yee Sang with Finely Sliced Salmon (from RM33++) and Prosperous Yee Sang with Mini Abalone (from RM88++) which are also available for takeaways.

Our table of 10 was served the Prosperity Yee Sang which had slivers of juicy pear accompanied by a plum-flavoured sauce which was not overpowering.

This was followed by a tummy-warming Braised Shark’s Fin Soup with Dried Scallops and Sea Moss.

Chef Lee Siew Hong who heads the team at the outlet said they served mainly Cantonese fare but sometimes featured dishes from different regions in China.

“Our cooking style is modern Cantonese with an emphasis on healthy food that still tastes good. We try to cut down on oil and our clientele appreciates these changes.

“The festive menu is a reflection of the changing preferences of our customers. These days, people want light and flavourful meals instead of over-indulgent dishes,” he said.

674E52006C6C469CA5D209E871B3CE3EDelicacy: Braised Whole Duck with Sea Cucumber is one of the healthy options on the Chinese New Year menu.

The Steamed Garoupa in Light Soy Sauce and Red Chillies was an example of Lee’s light but flavourful menu choices.

Every mouthful yielded juicy tender fish that was full of flavour and the red chillies added a spicy bite to the dish.

Needless to say, the fish was polished off with no hesitation.

Next on the menu was Braised Whole Duck with Sea Cucumber — a dish that may appeal to those who prefer traditional flavours.

The duck meat and sea cucumber was pleasant tasting and cooked with the perfect balance of herbs and spices.

Those who do not fancy duck can substitute the dish with Steamed Kampung Chicken with Herbs or Hong Kong Style Roasted Shatin Chicken.

Instead of the usual battered and buttered prawns, we sampled the healthier but equally tasty Stir Fried Prawns with Ginger, Spring Onions and Dried Shrimp.

Next, we tried a dish of Braised Black Mushrooms, Dried Oysters and Tau Kan (beancurd) with Broccoli.

Most festive Chinese meals will have a rice dish but at Han Pi Yuen, you can opt for the Braised Hong Kong Ee Fu Noodles with Crab Meat or Tossed Egg Noodles with Roasted Duck.

For dessert, our pick was the Deep-Fried Nian Gao, which is not the healthiest of options but definitely worth it after our wholesome healthy meal.

The soft, sticky traditional rice cake was only available during Chinese New Year and was a treat not to be missed.

For a refreshing finish to your meal, the outlet offers double boiled soups with white fungus, ginseng and longan among other ingredients.

The Chinese New Year menu at the restaurant is available from Feb 1 to 7 while the yee sang menu is available from Jan 21 to Feb 17.

This is the writer’s personal observation and is not an endorsement by StarMetro.

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