HELLO folks! This week, we take a look at a Hakka Lui Char stall in Soon Lee coffee shop in Petaling Jaya Old Town.
To the unitiated, this particular rice dish is a concoction of vegetables, herbs and nuts.
Now, I’ve mentioned about Ah Mei Lui Char sometime back in my foray to a coffee shop in SS2, Petaling Jaya.
This stall had moved to a new location in Paramount Garden after some dispute over rental and its popularity.
And speaking about the Lui Char stall in Soon Lee (N 03 05 136, E 101 38 803), how does it fare?
With Ah Mei as the benchmark, I would say that the food in Soon Lee is one of the best I’ve come across.
But before I get into the details, let me say that the Lui Char is an acquired taste.
If you hate nuts and green vegetables mixed in your rice, well, it won’t cut it.
The Hakka Lui Char stall in Soon Lee itself, is a place that needs no formal introduction.
Its pretty famous and for a hungry guy like me, I was lucky to get a serving (RM5.50) just minutes before the stall had sold out.
And the verdict? Well, its a 7.5 out of 10 on the Samo-scale!
Soon Lee coffee shop is located off Jalan 1/26 in Petaling Jaya Old Town.
The landmark to lookout for is the Public Bank. From here, just head straight down and turn left.
This place opens daily for breakfast and lunch. The Hakka Lui Char stall is good till lunch hour, so, if you want to give it a go, better be early.